
Name : Hasegawa Ayumu
Birthday : 8 November

Somewhere in another world where only rabbits exist. Each rabbit holds a special power to control an element and have the ability to take on human form, so that they may freely explore the human world in search of knowledge to advance their own world.Within the rabbit world was a cold land of snow known as the Neveheim kingdom, which in contrast was ruled by a warm and kind queen.One day, the queen of the snow kingdom fell in love with a human and they had a child. The queen wanted her child to always keep moving forward and never give up, so she named her “Ayumu.” However, the child’s origins had to be kept secret for it is prohibited for rabbits to wed humans as it is rumored that if a child of mixed blood is born, then calamity and darkness would befall their world.In order to protect the child, the queen announced that the child is an orphan adopted from the streets, chosen as a candidate to succeed the crown.A few years later, Ayumu has grown up and began her studies in the Royal Academy where she and others were taught how to control their powers and about human technology. It was here that Ayumu’s secret was discovered…During a magical combat test, Ayumu lost control of her power. She left the training room in pieces and when the dust cleared all anyone could focus on was the red tinge in her eyes. It was a clear sign of her mixed heritage.Ayumu was captured immediately and thrown into prison to wait for execution.
In an attempt to protect her daughter, the queen had confessed that Ayumu was her child by blood, hoping that they would let her go because of her royal status. However, it backfired and demands for the queen’s head arised.
Ayumu was heartbroken when she heard the news. She had always thought her parents abandoned her, but had now found out that her mother was protecting her all this time.
She was saddened, as this was not how she wanted to reunite with her parents.
While imprisoned, Ayumu heard a strange voice whispering from the shadows…”Tell me where the barrier is weak!” The barrier was a bubble that protected the rabbits’ world. However, it has a weak point that only those of the royal family knows. ”Tell me the secret of the barrier and I will save both of you!” it said.Ayumu hesitated, she hoped that her fellow rabbits would change their minds and let them live.
She decided not to give an answer and waited for morning to come.
The next day in court, the debate that decides the fate of Ayumu and her mother began. Sadly, it ended up with a unanimous vote for their deaths in order to protect the peace in the rabbit kingdom.
While Ayumu and her mother were walking to the execution block, she heard a whisper once again. “All you have to do is tell me the barrier’s weakness and you both shall be saved.” It said. Ayumu’s thoughts raced as she struggled to find another solution. If she stayed silent, she and her mother would most certainly end up dead. She finally arrived at a conclusion. She had enough of this world that would kill her and her mother on the basis of a rumor.
However, she had been deceived. The barrier started to fall apart and a darkness crept in upon the kingdom.
In order to rectify her mistake, Ayumu sacrificed all of her power and restored the barrier which results in her no longer able to maintain her human form. Ayumu was thought to have died during the fight and the queen was spared in honor of Ayumu’s heroic death.Ayumu woke up lost in the forest. Trapped in her rabbit form. Ayumu grew tired and cold, so she decided to take shelter in a hollowed out tree nearby. She quickly fell asleep.When Ayumu had awakened, she was in a strange and unfamiliar world. Ayumu was even more surprised to find that she was human again. Ayumu did not know it at the time, but she was in the human world and her human blood allowed her to return to her human form in this world.Ayumu vaguely remembered that while she was asleep, A silver-haired entity had carried her here and she had woken up in a shock after being violently flung into a white void. She thought it was the end of her life…In order to survive in the human world, she began working in order to pay for her living costs. During her time in the human world, she was introduced to manga and grew addicted to it. Her addiction eventually led to her growing a keen interest in BL manga.
Ayumu had become what this world calls a “fujoshi”
One day, while Ayumu was reading, a piece of paper fell out of a BL manga that claimed that it can grant any wish. She thought it was just a joke and decided to try the ritual by wishing for unlimited BL. However, the ritual actually works and a demon was summoned from the circle. She accepted the deal thinking it's just a prank and that’s how she met the demon Asher Amadeus.In order to relieve her stress from getting bossed around by the demon, Ayumu started her streaming journey in hopes of finding comrades to defeat the demon.